A Decade of Live Painting Brings Many Things…
Live Event Painting is a concept that predates just about every other form of human expression. Humans marks have been left on rocky surfaces since the beginning of humankind. That being said, this niche element to the event industry is relatively new, and there are a handful of us who are bordering on self-proclaimed veterans of the craft. As for me, I began eleven years ago after decades of studies as a fashion and costume designer, where I cut my teeth on being a part of big high-intensity and high budget events (ahem, film…. ahem, weddings), and I also studied in graduate school elements of art education and began my journey into motherhood. Having three children, over a decade of professional design and fine arts work in fields and a lifetime of training lend themselves to continue to offer this service as a woman with serious chops to bring personality and premium skills to something that is a very worthwhile investment both for your guests in their entertainment and guest experience at your event but also in the creation of a multi-generational family heirloom you might imagine seeing in a museum, but… it’s in your HOME!