Wine Country Weddings

Chateau St. Jean wedding live painting in progress

Wine country weddings deliver in the way that an uncorked vintage does at a table set for your favorite dinner guests. It carries the flavors of a landscape loved by a very particular kind of climate and by hard-working hands. It has the hues of the earths’ magical makings. Vineyards themselves offer a timeless narrative of hillscapes and villas and tradition and lore. Contemporary wine-makers host weddings in beautiful chateaus build adjacent to these rolling landscapes, so the setting requires little transformation to make it an ideal wedding site. I have had the pleasure of live painting winery weddings in numerous states from inside the bottling room to barefoot and along the edges of the vines. I truly look forward to upcoming seasons that will be ripe with wedding paintings and these wine country weddings. The Willamette is my nearest realm, but I’m just a hop away from Dry Creek, Sonoma and Napa to paint in the most romantic of ways; like the old Italian masters with a keen eye for the movement and light.

Charmaine and Christopher are flanked by their loved ones and the vines of Chateau St. Jean


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